Saturday 21 June 2014

Coin Couture

Yesterday we had our last meeting of the group at Ploudalmezeau before our summer holidays. Although I have only been going to the group for a short time I enjoy it very much, all the members are very friendly and patient with my bad French!! We have homework to do during the summer so I will post photos of mine when it is done.

This is one of the things I made in the first half of the year - a small decorated panel to hang on the door of my sewing room.

I have several unfinished projects I plan to work on over the summer, I will post photos when they are finished.
On Monday we have a patchwork day at our club in Roscoff, a report will follow!!

Sunday 15 June 2014

France patchwork - Quilt Mystere

I am a member of France Patchwork (FP) which has lots of benefits for me. Four times a year there is a wonderful magazine which features patterns and textile art from some wonderful designers.
Also, several times a year we have a Journee d'amitie (literally translated to a friendship day) where members here in the department of Finistere get together and make something. We get a kit to make a project , take our picnic and spend the day together happily sewing. Jeanne is my very close friend with whom I spend a lot of time sewing and driving around the countryside to various patchwork events. I will post more about our escapades in due course! We laugh a lot together and practice my French and (occasionally!!!) Jeanne practices her English!
This is my version of the Quilt Mystere from FP for the 2012/13 year.

Saturday 14 June 2014

Cot Quilts

Both the cot quilts I was working on in my last January post have been finished. This one has been delivered to the UK and is hopefully now being used.

The other one is finished but has not been handed over yet as the little one will not arrive until July. Here in France, as in the UK, it is not considered good luck to give baby presents before they arrive.

Friday 13 June 2014

Kaffe Fasset at The American Museum in Bath

As usual I have been very bad at posting!! I have been very good with stitching though. I will post some pictures soon.
When I was on a visit to UK in April I went with a friend to the American Museum in Bath where there was an exhibition of the work of Kaffe Fasset. It was really colourful and the trees in the grounds had been decorated as well!