Saturday 1 August 2015

Back again......

After almost a year of silence I am back to my blog. I have now had a Facebook page for several months and seem to be keeping up with that! So that I can post more about some things I have decided to put stuff on the blog and link it with my Facebook page.... so let's give it a go.

This week saw the arrival of our new sofa and chair.

To celebrate we had a 'sofa warming' evening with Karin and Rudolf. A bottle of champagne and a lovely meal, mainly cooked for us by Ron! How wonderful it is to have a husband who cooks!!

Rudolf and Ron are planning a fishing trip on Monday, weather permitting, for a BBQ Monday evening. Karin has a contingency plan of fish already caught and frozen just in case they let us down on the day!!!!


  1. Je découvre avec plaisir que tu as un blog !!!
    Je viens de le visiter un petit peu... et il me reste encore beaucoup de pages à voir !!!
    Bel été

    1. Salut Claudine. Je suis désolé que mon blog est en anglais! Je essaie d'écrire ma page Facebook en français, peut-être que je vais essayer de poster sur mon blog en français aussi! Parfois c'est trop difficile!
