Sunday 20 July 2014

A new neighbour...

As I was looking out of the window over my sewing machine yesterday a new neighbour moved in....

He is beautiful, huge and amusing. I love to watch him rolling around in the grass, then he takes off for a canter around the field and the earth vibrates, he is so heavy. I think his 'family' live along the lane and they show him at the Breton horse shows.

The third FWSQ block is finished, it's going more quickly than I planned but it's nice to have a small piece to work on sometimes.

Sewing will be less this week as Ron's daughter and her family are coming to stay for a few days. It's always nice to see them but it is a bit of a shock to our systems (including the water heater and washing machine) when there are six people in the house instead of the normal two! We just get used to it and then they are gone and we have to readjust again! Emmy has to share her bedroom with the girls, Alice and Grace, luckily they have two cats at home so are used to being jumped upon in the middle of the night.

Monday 14 July 2014

More finished projects!

I am doing well at the moment finishing off things. I think my stitching will slow down a bit now as I have made a promise to myself to do more of the dreaded and hated boring housework and not get so easily sidetracked by other, much more interesting things. I'm aiming to do chores in the mornings and stitching in the afternoons. On verras! (We will see)

I finished the little wallet made from the machine crazy fabric we made at the Loperec group.

I also made a little piece of bunting.

This is for the president of our Finistere group of France Patchwork. As she has to give up the presidency this year we have all been asked to make one piece of bunting decorated on one side and with our names on the other side to give her to remember her time as president. As there are usually about 150 of us at each patchwork day we should have a lovely long string of bunting to hang up!

Also, the second FWSQ block is finished.

Jeanne and I are off to the exhibition of the patchwork group at Kerlouan tomorrow. We are taking a picnic and meeting friends at the beach to eat together before we all go to the expo! Fingers crossed for the weather.

Wednesday 9 July 2014

New bag!

A month or so ago I arrived at our patchwork group in Roscoff to be met by my friend Jeanne who told me she had a present for me! She produced a little roll of fabric which was plasticised... and covered with pictures of little cats. It was really cute, she had gone to our local fabric shop and had found the offcut. As it was plasticised she thought I could use it to put Emmy's food bowl on. Well, I immediately had other plans for it and here is the result.

It is going to be very useful. I added a zipped pocket inside so I can carry my purse without fear of it falling out.

Monday 7 July 2014

Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt

I have just bought the book for the Farmers Wife Sampler Quilt (FWSQ) and plan for it to be a long term scrap quilt project probably taking many years to complete! I chose to do this one as lots of ladies here do the 'Dear Jane' quilt and I wanted to be a bit different.
Today I have finished the first block. I'm not sure how large a quilt I am going to do - I have plenty of time to make that decision. I'm not sure about the colours but as it is a scrap quilt I have to wait and see!

Sunday 6 July 2014

The sun is back.

It's another beautiful day today so we took the chance to tidy up the veggie plot and plant a few things we bought yesterday. There is a commercial veg plant supplier near us who opens to the public on Saturday mornings and we bought 6 lettuce plants, 8 beetroot plants, 2 parsley plants and a courgette for 2 euros. it is much cheaper for us to do this than buy packets of seeds as there is only two of us and a very small potager! It is looking good now....

Yesterday it rained all day so it was a good excuse to do some sewing. Emmy didn't want to put a paw outside but decided during the afternoon that she was bored and needed to play - or learn to use the sewing machine!!

Perhaps she will finish the folded log cabin mats I am making!

Saturday 5 July 2014

Homework is finished.

I have been working on our homework from Ploudal over the last few days as I wanted to get it finished and not have to rush at the end of the summer!

I just hope I read the instructions correctly and that everyone else has blocks which look roughly the same as these! We were provided with the fabric to put in the corners and the rest of the blocks we make up from our scrap box. I'll let you know what it ends up to be!