Sunday 20 July 2014

A new neighbour...

As I was looking out of the window over my sewing machine yesterday a new neighbour moved in....

He is beautiful, huge and amusing. I love to watch him rolling around in the grass, then he takes off for a canter around the field and the earth vibrates, he is so heavy. I think his 'family' live along the lane and they show him at the Breton horse shows.

The third FWSQ block is finished, it's going more quickly than I planned but it's nice to have a small piece to work on sometimes.

Sewing will be less this week as Ron's daughter and her family are coming to stay for a few days. It's always nice to see them but it is a bit of a shock to our systems (including the water heater and washing machine) when there are six people in the house instead of the normal two! We just get used to it and then they are gone and we have to readjust again! Emmy has to share her bedroom with the girls, Alice and Grace, luckily they have two cats at home so are used to being jumped upon in the middle of the night.

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